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/ Tru Type Explosion / Tru Type Explosion.iso / iglesia.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1992-03-13  |  65KB
Labels: box | bulletin board | door | earth | fence | person | reckoner | sky | stairs
OCR: abcde fghijhlmnopqrstubwxy ABC DC FODJJKL SUUNUXDZ 0123456789 ~!@#$% *- I=><[I0N":1? ur quichi trowr fox aumps goer thr lasp The quick trown fox jumps ober the laxp dog. 24 The quick brown fox jumps ober the lasp dog. 30 4D quick bromn tox jumps the Lasp D00 The quick bramn tox jumps ober the La3y DOQ 60 The quick hromn tox jumps oner the la3p quick hromn tox jumps ober the la3p DOQ stuhwxv ATCDC quichs tron quich